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Book Highlight:
The Incredible Intergalactic Journey Home.
Special thanks to:
Tim Peake – an incredible story teller along with being a cool astronaut!
Jack Moore, part of the STFS team for his awesome video editing.
Lost My Name team and to Roraigh & family for making this book come to life.
CASIS/NASA/ESA for launch support & on orbit time!
Book Highlight
Rosie Revere, Engineer.
Over 1 Year on the New York Times Best Seller List!!
Don’t miss out on the fun!
Earthlings! Win a personalized book reading from SPACE for a child you know. This is real ->
Wow- we have partnered with the amazing team at LostMy.Name. Their new book, that can be pre-ordered now, is one of the seven books going up. That is amazing all by itself but this is a personalized book so how can you do that you ask? Well, LostMy.Name is running a limited time competition (link above) to see whose book will be the official flight book that goes to the ISS!! So, get a child(ren) you know registered and it could be their book that launches on Dec. 3rd along with all our other amazing books. Can’t get any more fantastic than that! Register now!
New & Amazing Books Heading to ISS! 
We are very excited to announce that we have a suite of 7 new books heading up to the ISS on Orbital 4 set to launch on Dec. 3rd!!! Here is the outstanding list of books:
- Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beatty (over 1 year on the New York Times Best Seller List!)
- I, Humanity by Jeffrey Bennett- (new book written for STFS! Available soon)
- Endeavour’s Long Journey by John “Danny” Olivas (Veteran Astronaut)
- Moustronaut & Moustronaut Goes to Mars by Mark Kelly- (Veteran Astronaut & the twin brother to Scott Kelly, the Astronaut on ISS for a year, #year in space )
- The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm by LeVar Burton (Reading Rainbow)
- The Incredible Intergalactic Journey Home by Lost My Name (Personalized book!)
We will highlight and talk about each book as we countdown to launch and the special opportunity you will have to participate in a competition, how to purchase the books and much more. We are able to launch these books and the science demonstrations, which are the basis for our educational programs, thanks to launch support from CASIS & NASA! Their teams of people are incredible, talented and passionate about making STFS a success! Thank you!
We have been working with CASIS and NASA and we are in the process of rebuilding our hardware that was lost. Folks have been very supportive and want us to get these experiments up on orbit. We are very fortunate to work with such great people! We will keep you updated on our progress on the equipment as the building unfolds. We are starting with anything that has electronics so we can get those pieces into the EMI (electro magnetic) testing. We also have a volunteer, Nina Jobin, who will be making the new kit bag that holds all of the equipment. Thanks Nina!!
Tough Day..
As you may have heard the SpaceX rocket that our experiments were on had a catastrophic event, which means it blew up. We want to express our sympathies to SpaceX, NASA and all the other people who had experiments onboard. Space flight is hard! We are in discussions on next steps and for manufacturing new equipment so we can continue to move forward and get our experiments up there. We can use your help! We have now just set up a GoFundMe account at to help us raise the funds needed to manufacture a new set of the equipment. Any support is GREATLY appreciated. You can also just go to the donate link on this site and support. All funds will go directly to getting new equipment and getting us up to ISS. Stay tuned here and on our Facebook page and we will keep you updated.
Countdown to Launch!!!
We have completed our Usability Test and our Safety Panel review and received a passing grade on both by NASA! This means that we are very close to sending our 9 science demonstrations off to Florida for packing onto the SpaceX-7 spacecraft. SpaceX-7 is set to launch June 28th at 7:20 am (Pacific)/10:20pm (Eastern) from Cape Canaveral in Florida. Soon we will have, not only, our books but also our science experiments up on orbit. The astronauts will videotape themselves conducting these experiments and send the video back down to us at Story Time and we will share them with you.
“What you cannot imagine, you cannot do” says astronaut Alvin Drew.
Now imagine Astronauts on the Space Station reading stories to the children of Earth and conducting science experiments as the world rotates below. Imagine no more…it’s Story Time from Space!
The 5 books currently on the ISS are written by Jeffrey Bennett. They are: Max Goes to the Space Station, Max Goes to the Moon, Max Goes to Mars, Max Goes to Jupiter and The Wizard Who Saved the World. You can purchase these books on Amazon and read along with the Astronauts! Astronauts on the ISS will also conduct and videotape educational demonstrations designed by Veteran Canadian Astronaut, Bjarni Tryggvason, to complement the science concepts found in the Story Time From Space books. These 9 experiments focus on: free fall, orbit, heat transfer, light, human effects, surface tension, buoyancy, pendulous motion and balance. Very cool science Learn More
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