Story Time From Space

Imagine astronauts reading books from space to school children & families around the world, in an exciting new program that combines literature with science education.
- Story Time From Space, with support from CASIS, will send children’s books & demonstrations to the International Space Station.
- While in space, astronauts will videotape themselves reading books to the children of Earth.
- The videos will be edited and placed in the Story Time From Space library. The library will be housed on the Story Time From Space website.
- Astronauts on the ISS will also conduct and videotape educational demonstrations to complement the science concepts in the Story Time From Space books.
- To make Story Time from Space even more useful to educators, we will create cross-content curriculum to support the Next Generation Science Standards.
- All of these materials, along with the videos from orbit, will be posted on the Story Time From Space website, providing easy access for educators, families, libraries, science centers, scouts and others.
Research shows that the US has fallen well behind other countries in the area of Science Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM). For example:
- Since 2002, instructional time in science has decreased 33% (as a % of total instructional time) while instructional time in Language Arts has increased 47% (Center on Education Policy, Feb. 2007, District Survey, items 18 & 19)
- One subject does not have to be sacrificed for the other!
- Story Time From Space combines STEM & Literacy in an interactive & unique manner that will captivate parents, educators & students.
Over 1000 educators were surveyed about Story Time From Space program. Of those surveyed:
- 99% indicated they liked the Story Time From Space concept.
- 90% in grades K-5 indicated they would implement the program in their classroom.
- 85% in grades 6-8 indicated they would implement the program in their classroom.
- 95% of respondents from science centers, scouts, science coordinators etc. would also implement the program within their organizations or at their institutions.
Story Time From Space is a program that can be built over time, can be utilized by difficult to reach audiences and can be expanded into Planetarium shows, new books, animations, and much more.
Story Time From Space is a unique, fun, educational program that can be integrated with your organizations goals and objectives. Come join us & make a difference in STEM & literacy education!
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